You should save these important contact numbers of KSEB

     Today I would like to inform you about a new information from KSEB. We are living in a digital world. All services are being done through online.  Due to covid 19,we are all reduces direct contact with others .And all services done through online.  It is safe for our health.  

     Today  I would like to inform you about new information from KSEB. It is mandatory for all consumers.  We should see two contact numbers of KSEB. 

      For electrical services,KSEB issued a new number 1912. It i very helpful to us. We can call to this number for any services from KSEB. This is a toll free number. Wewill get help from KSEB immediately. 

     We can call to this number for any connection changes,line changes,change ownership,meterline replacement, tariff change. No need to go to KSEB  offices. Our application will be given to appropriate section. We can call this toll free number at any time.  You can speak with customer  care officer.

     Next important number is 9496010101.we can be call this number for any electrical accidents/ potential sightings.  This number is only use for any emergency. 

     These are very important  numbers. You should save this numbers.  

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