What are the legal  formalities  of vehicle accident 


       Today I would like to inform you about the legal formalities of an accident by vehicle .90 % of people have vehicles, other vehicle accidents are the most frequent type of trauma in our country. Driving is the most dangerous thing most of us will ever do.Always do your best  to drive responsibly.

       You should know what to do just in case you end up in an accident. After a crash , a person  may feel nervous.  But do not be nervous  and take deep breaths and be better prepared to handle the situation. 

       If the accident  is minor,turn off your car,grab your emergency  kit, set up warning  triangles around the crash site. If your car is drivable,make a reasonable  effort to move the vehicle  to a safe spot.Ask to see the drivers license of the other drivers involved in the crash.

     To take pictures and put the details in writing.  It may help the court and insurance  agencies.

     Young drivers are also 20 times more likely to cause accidents  due to drunk driving,lack of experience, poor road,weather,or speed . Making an own damage claim is the same as the third party car insurance claim.

       Call the insurance  company immediately and inform them about the damage.Intimate the police and obtain an FIR.Record the details of car,and driver .Move to a safe place.stop the vehicle and get out from the vehicle.

        If injuries are minor,attend your GP and make sure you report the accident.Report the accident to the police station  within 28 days.It is evidence. We should mention  road accidents  in hospital chart.In case you fail to do so and leave the accident  scene , you can be heavily penalized.

           We can say systematically  overcome this situation.  Check the RC book, valid insurance, licence, check the alcoholic content should be checked. We will get an amount from a valid insurance  claim. We should submit vehicles  to the police station. Otherwise we can file a case .Check the offenses also.we will get a claim based on age, severity of case,and income. 

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