We can transfer payments through whatsapp

          We are all use WhatsApp on our phones. Today I want to share with you about the new features that have  come in WhatsApp.These are very useful to us. This is the most used chatting app.Years ago,WhatsApp payments made on a pilot basis in India. 

      This app was only available to those who received this feature and were invited. It was not initially allowed in India due to non compliance with the terms of the UPS system in India.But now WhatsApp payment is activated again.

        We can see how to transfer payments through the whatsapp.We can see if whatsapp payment is activated. When we send a message to someone, see if there is a payment option in the attachment. You can get this feature by updating WhatsApp from Play Store. It is also essential  link to our bank account.

       Click the payment option,we can see the details of banks which enable the whatsapp features. We can select the bank and verify the bank account. 

      We can send and receive the payments through the whatsapp.Enter the UPI pin number.It is very useful feature.

       Next whatsapp feature is the disappearing messages. The message we sent will be automatically deleted after a certain period of time.We can select the persons/ groups and put on the disappearing  messages button.After 7 days new messages will disappear from their message box.

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