We can build a house with an interest free loan

        Today I would like to inform you about a loan  with no interest.Everyone has a dream to make a home at low cost . But it is very difficult. Many of us take out a home loan. But it has high interest. But todayI would like to introduce a loan. We will get this loan without interest. We can be repay this amount within 50 months. 

       This loan has mainly two packages. First one is Rs 1400 package and second one is Rs 1500 package. In first package we didn’t get foundation, door,Kattila . But in second phase the whole house will be finished. They use only quality materials.  We will get 35% subsidy also.

       In first package ,work includes from belt work to painting. Balanced  of half of total amount  will give replaced within main slab work . Balanced amount will give within 50 months.

      In second package,  they will finished whole work. We an repay 60 % amount  in installments. Balance 40 % amount will repay within 50 months. We will get 35 % subsidy.

     NFull work square.ft has Rs 1500.They use quality materials. 

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