Use the internet very carefully

   Today I would like to inform you about a very important news.we all are use smart phones.we live in a computer age. Because now it is a situation where one cannot live without a smartphone and computer. During this time education is also the became computerized. Even young children can be educated on a smartphone or a computer. The smart phone or the computer or the internet has greatly influenced many areas of our life style.

    But today we want to share with you a few very important things to keep in mind when we use these things. It is the information from police.It is very useful information. Operation p hunt is an operation of State police and cyber dob.

     In this operation  41peoples are arrested. It is supervised by ADGP .339 Cases were registered. In this operation catch 392 devices Including mobile phones,lap tops,computers containing illegal videos.

   Some peoples trafficking of children in their devices.And they collect these images and videos.Actions should be take against all the individuals involved in this racket . This unit prevent the online child exploitation andpornography. They analyze digitally in this virtual trends.a special operation p hunt organized.

       As per this law,can result in imprisonment upto 5years and fine up to Rs 10 sould check your wifi,internet, smartphone ,etc.

     Many peoples are under observation. Police are hacking the mobile phones of those under observation. Don’t watch,download,upload or disseminate  child pornography under any ccircumstances.Donot search the words child pornography/childsex. Change the pass word of wifi.


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