The Employment Guarantee Scheme has been extended to cities

           In the time of covid-19 a lot of unemployment peoples are  now increased in our country. These days our state is getting a lot of Employment Guarantee benefits. We know that many educated people are going to the employment guarantee scheme. The state government had given Rs 1,000 to those who completed 100 working days for onam. 

         The  most labour shortage has increased during this period. Therefore, this is a very important time for the Employment Guarantee scheme. In our  state Employment Guarantee scheme get more than Rs 290. The minimum base amount for Employment Guarantee scheme is Rs 202.

          We will also receive money for the tools we have. The children of those who are covered under the Employment Guarantee scheme receive educational assistance. Housing and livestock farming provide opportunities to complete 90 days in our home. 

           Benefits are given to the children of those who are members of the Employment Guarantee scheme to study the courses depending on the course they are studying. At present our state government is implementing the subhiksha Kerala project. It receives subsidies for cultivating fallow land. Its benefits are also available to employment  guaranteed workers.

                The scheme is being  extended to as well urban areas. An amount of Rs 3500 crore has been sanctioned for the expansion of the Employment Guarantee scheme to urban areas. It is currently expanding to the cities with the highest unemployment rates. We can apply at the panchayat or municipality level.we will get an employment card. Application for the job must be over 18 years of age. These included road rehabilitation,  well constructions.


  • Ration card
  • Aadhar card
  • Bank passbook copy 
  • Photo 
  • Application form

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