The benefits of APL cards has been stopped

         There are four types of ration cards in our state. Two are priority cards and two are non priority cards. Priority  and non priority category card holders also received benefits in the time of covid-19. 

       But the state government has withdrawn the covid benefit for non priority card holders. Therefore white and blue card holders will now get only a nominal supply of rice.

      Non priority card holders were getting 10 kg of rice at Rs 15 per kg in the time of covid-19. The state government has been suspending the supply since September. 

        The state government had given Rs 15 for rice, which was Rs 22 from the central government. The suspension was made by the state government as part of the central government’s announcement of a number of benefits in this lock down.

      APL blue card holders will get 2kg of rice at Rs 4 per member this month. They can get three attas for Rs 17 each. White card holders will receive only 3 kg of food grains this month.

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