State Government is ready to welcome Non- Resident Keralites

           Currently, there are  news reports on the return of working Pravasi’s from our state and our country which is spread across 200 countries around the world.  Although the first process to begin transporting pravasi’s by air gas begun , there are now plans to finally take the shipping route . Our state government was preparing for the arrival of Pravasi’s very early. It was also stated earlier than those trapped in different parts of the world will be brought back on the basis of a particular set of priorities. Special registrations have also been initiated through NORKA ROOT s which works   for Pravasi welfare . 

      This enables users from all over the world to self register. Then you should not think that this registration in a permit forte return home.  This registration is done to make a decision on the matter of how many people have been registered and how much the state government has to adopt if required by the central government.

In a short span of time over  2,20,000 applicants have been registered so far. Applications have so far been received from 161 Countries. There will be many who go for study purposes/ business needs /best living conditions.

         All of them will be returned to our country on priority basis. Before returning to our home country, the Pravasi in which country only has to access to the country where the covid test is negative. After that our state government will issue a digital Pass. After the Pravasi recent  return to our state, covid is inspected in specialist care homes and the process is then shifted to Quarantine after the test results are negative .

 Currently quarantine comes in three forms . 

  1. Upon arrival of pravasi, they have paid for  money himself facility at the Institutions /hotels/ resorts near the airport.
  2.  There will be specially, identified   institutions/buildings in each district through the district collector . The building works under the Public Work Department is responsible for this. The second type of quarantine is the provision of facilities for the Pravasi to go to these specially equipped observations.
  3. A  third is the ability to stay at home while the covid  test results are negative.

 That is the threeway Quarantine that our state government is currently implementing for Pravasi. There are people like  pregnant women ,sick peoples, women, the elderly peoples, people who have been stranded for study purposes, people who lost their jobs, people who released from prisons.

       Thus the decision to return the Pravasi to our country will be a matter of preference depending on the circumstances of life, be given special priority . Currently measures have been taken to bring the Pravasi by air transport. More recently, however through the ship way is speeding up it’s  process of returning process. In the event of such a situation the government is planning to give preference to people living in Gulf countries . 

          Our government has repeatedly told you that, if you get the best conditions abroad, you can stay there. Once the Pravasi return to our country, they will have to face many crisis educationally, professionally and business wise. So we will be there to support them all.

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