September free kits distribution for white cards from tomorrow

             The free kit  distribution for September will be completed by october 15. Free kits will be get  in our hands until December. About 19 lakh white card holders in our state are now getting free kits.

           The white card holders will receive the September kits on October 13 to 15th. Those whose  last digit of the ration card number ends in zero will be able to purchase the free kit on October 13 th. 

            Those who end up with the last digit of the ration card number 1,2,3,4 can buy the free kit on October 14. Those who end up with the last digit of the ration card number 5, 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 can buy the free kits on October 15.

        Distribution has started as per the prescribed amount for ration cards in October month. White card holders get 5 kg of rice,Rs 15/kg and atta,Rs 17/kg.

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