Ration card is the most important document for every person in our country. It is provided on an order of the state government. You can apply for ration cards online easily. You can check the status of ration cards online. Ration card is used as a proof of identity and residence of citizens. It is also used as proof of applying for domicile certificate ,voter ID card, birth certificate ,etc. 

       Ration cards provide ration of food, fuel and other goods are issued by the government of India. When purchasing subsidized food like rice,wheat, sugar and kerosene from ration shops, ration cards are mandatory. Ration cards are mainly different types. Blue /yellow /green/ red ration cards are available for the people that are living below the poverty line. They will get the subsidized food and fuel from the ration shops. White ration cards are another category. They are the people above the poverty line.


  • A person permanently living in India.
  • A person has not already applied for a ration card.
  • His family is not included in another ration card.

     Ration cards are used in our country for specific economic classes of society ,earning less than a particular figure ,subsidy on food grains and other cooking necessities. The Government of India used printed booklets with all financial information of the family for the longest time. But now it is switching to digital and keeping up with the times. Now it can be handled paperlessly. It is used faster and more appealing than the previous one. Now we can change our ration card in a digital form. Digital cards are tougher to duplicate than their paper booklet. It lasts for longer because it is made with plastic and doesn’t rip due to water.

      Initially the process of getting a ration card was very difficult. But now we can apply for a ration card through Akshaya centres and we will get it easily. You can upload all information on the official Ration Card website. It included documents ,personal information ,supporting papers, etc. Then we will get a date when the ration card will be dispensed.

      We can see new information about ration  cards. Pradhanmantri Garib Kalyan Anya Yojana is food security welfare scheme announced by our country during covid 29 pandemic. According to this scheme supply free food grains to migrants and poor peoples. More than 81 crore people will be provided 5 kg free wheat, rice per person per month along with1 kg free chana to each family. Families belonging to the poverty line- AAY,PHH  will be eligible for this scheme. Households headed by widow,ill person, disabled person ,over 60 years are eligible for this scheme. 

     Landless agricultural labourers,marginal farmers , potters,tanners,weavers, rickshaw pullers, Rag pickers, cobblers in rural and urban areas are eligible.Cabinet approves extension of PM garib Kalyan  Yojana till September  2022. It envisages fulfilling the food requirements  by providing  food grains through a public distribution system devised to reach priority households. Each beneficiary will get an additional 5kg free ration/person/month .Above 80 crore people  will get this benefit.  Yellow,pink ration  card holders will get 4kg rice,1 kg wheat freely. It extended to next 6 months.  

     All ration card holders should buy ration  within 31 st march. White ,blue ration  cards holders should  know about this information.  You can’t change your ration card from white to blue.  Because it is stopped temporarily. For more details  please contact the taluk supply  office.

     Now onwards ration card holders will get medicines from supplyco medical stores  at 13 to 50 %. Insulin has 20to 24 % discount. An additional discount of up to 25% is available for preferential ration card users. Supplyco has 96 medical stores in our state.

      You should  link your aadhar card and ration  card. If you want to use any services of ration card ,you do not pay the service  charge now onwards. 

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