Ration card March 2022 – Ration subsidies ,withdraw money, link to aadhar card


              Ration card is a government approved document which helps to purchase items such as food ,grains,etc. It is an official  document issued by state governments  in India to households. They provide subsidized food grain to the eligible  persons. All state governments in India have to identify  households that are eligible  for  purchasing subsidized  food grain from PDS .Ration card allows all citizens who belong to lower se tons of society  at subsidized rate.it serves as a document which verifies various families in our state who are eligible to receive food grains.

        The families having annual income Rs 1 lakh or above , any member of the family possessing a four wheeler or the family aggregately holding more than 4 hectare land are eligible to get white ration card. Rationing ensures the proper distribution of resources without any unwanted  wastes. Ration card is a voluntary document and it is not compulsory for every citizen. But people generally apply for it and have well accepted identity proof . It helps individuals get various government benefits through the scheme.

       We can see three important matters about the ration  card in March 2022.It is a very important thing .March month ration  distribution  started. Government  announced the ration distribution. AAY card( yellow card)will get 30 kg rice,4 kg wheat as free and 1 packet atta at Rs 6,1 kg sugar at Rs 21.

         According to PMGKY ,each member  of the card will get 4 kg rice,and 1kg wheat. Pink card ( PHH card) holders will get 4 kg rice, 1 kg wheat at Rs 2/ kg.each members of the card will get4 kg rice,1 kg wheat at free rate. Blue( NPNS) ration card holders will get 2 Kg rice at Rs 4 and 4kg atta at Rs 17.white ration  card holders will get 7 kg rice at Rs 10.90 and 1 to 4 kg atta at Rs 17.

         Ration card holders will get Rs 5000 from ration shops.You can withdraw money through  EPS machines of ration  card. Those who have smart ration cards, they can withdraw money through  ration shops. Ration  card should be linked  to aadhar card and bank account  number.you can pay electricity  and water bill .Ration card should be linked to aadhar card. Otherwise remove the cards from the list. Firstly they remove the cards from the list. 

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