Ration card  distribution through Akshaya centres

          There will be many schemes of the central government /State Government. The latest news is  in front of you. Our state government has already begun its process . What we know at present, as far as the ration card is concerned .There was a news, from now onwards ration card applications will be accepted through Akshaya centres and the ration card will be distributed at Akshaya centres itself. We were informed about this by the Food and Public Distribution department. In that regard , a little more clarity has been made. Let’s say we have a little more speed up in terms of ration card distribution. At present ,the state government has realized, that in the time of covid19 ,there is a situation where the State government or Central government has declared rice  distribution and other free kits to be limited to those with ration cards .

             For those who do not currently have a ration card ,it is known that when the process of issuing the scheme was started ,more than 30,000 people /families came to receive free food supplies from the state government.

There for our state government has realized that currently there are many benefits/schemes in our state that do not have a ration card , which is required to be presented . For those, who do not have a ration card the process of issuing the ration card within 24 hours, will check the eligible documents and if appropriate, the document is genuine. 

           At present, you do not need to go to Akshaya centres or janaseva centres as soon as you hear this news. At present, the department has been instructed to clarify the matters to set the relevant rules and to make changes to the software as well . Currently our state government has approved the ration card as a document for the benefits of children’s education /employment /governmental  schemes. At the same time, the ration card is accepted as a document for various projects which is the great help for those who do not have a ration card /stay away from families who have ration cards and looking for a new ration card.

             When applying for a  ration card ,we are now unable to clarify on the genuinity of the documents we submit but the system is now in the process of issuing a ration card temporally after reviewing the documents . For those who do not have a ration card ,our state government has started to take action to issue a ration card on a regular basis ,based on the accuracy of the documents as well as the clarity of the application .

      For those who do not have a ration card, the relevant affidavit has been duly submitted to our state and Central Government for benefits.  Now it’s not even necessary. Now we have the steps to issue a ration card, a move from our state government with this in mind there are few facts you should know .

  • For ration card applicants,Aadhar card is a must for all in the applicant /applicants family .
  • If  other ration cards are named, it is a legal action to cut down names.
  • Now you have to remember the fact that the ownership of the ration card is given to the head of the family.(female)
  • You should also keep a phone number in your hand when you apply.
  • It is advisable to have an E mail ID .
  • The name of the applicant and the other members of the family, name information ,Aadhar cards and the voter ID of the applicant  should be maintained.
  • Alls  information such as residential certificate, ward number, house number should be informed.

            For those who want to apply, this is a great opportunity .Don’t waste this time.

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