Potato facialĀ 

Potato is the edible tuber and the plant itself. It is the annual plant in the night shade family,  grown for it starchy edible tubers. Potatoes are generally eaten baked, boiled, Fried and served as a side dish / snacks. common potato based food products include potato chips potato flour. Cooked potatoes are a  good source of vitamins and minerals potassium, Vitamin C. Potatoes contain moderate amounts of protein, fibre and fat, carbohydrates can improve blood sugar control. 

Benefits of potatoes

  •  Potatoes contain a number of minerals and plant compounds that may help lower BP
  • It prolonging  the feeling of fullness after meals may contribute to weight control 
  • Potato helps lower cholesterol level 
  • Decreasing the risk of heart disease    

               Eating potatoes more than 4 times a week can increase the risk of high BP.

 Potato added to your beauty routine 

potato contains the enzyme called Catecholase , which helps to brighten the skin and get rid of dark spots. Use of potato juice to lesson the appearance of dark circle.It is anti aging and it can exfoliate your skin. Using potatoes as a cleanser  can also help remove dark spots. It clean your face. The juice from raw potato have bleeching properties. The potato helps to reduce the swelling on the face. 

Face marks

 Brightening mask

  •  use bit of potato juice, apply to your face,  leave it on for 14minutes. Wash it off thoroughly.

 Tired Eyes

  • Cut a thin  slice of potato and put it directly over your closed eyes,  leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. 

Stop itch from Bug bite. 

  • Apply a slice of potato to affected area, let it to sit on for 3 to 4 minutes 

Skin lightening

  • Cut a potato in half and rub the flash on the skin 

Dark circle under eyes 

  • cut 2 thick potato slices of chilled  potato. Place it over eyes. Leave it on 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water 

Glowing skin 

  • mix 2 teaspoon of potato juice and 2 teaspoon of lemon juice,  half teaspoon of honey. apply Leave for 15 minutes. Wash it off with water


  • One teaspoon of potato juice, one teaspoon of tomato juice add honey and mix until l you obtain a smooth paste. apply it on your face.

 Oily skin 

  • Mash 3 potatoes and add2 tsp of milk, one teaspoon of Oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix well. You get a smooth paste. apply it on face. leave it for 30 minutes. Wash it off.


  • Mix 1 grated potato, 2 teaspoon of raw  milk, 3 to 4 drops of glycerine. mix it and apply to your face. leave it on 15 minutes. Wash it off.

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