Onam kit for all ration cards

          Today I would like to share with you something that will bring happiness to all ration card holders in the state. State government has now decided to provide more benefits to APL card holders. As far as we know there are currently four types of ration cards in our state. 

             Cards like BPL and AAY  ration cards are also in the priority category and there are also white and blue ration cards that belong to the APL category. BPL and AAY ration cards were the biggest beneficiaries. We did not receive any special kits for Onam last year. This kit is being distributed as a special provision of the state government in the context of covid-19 as well as in the situation where the livelihood of many has come to a standstill. 

          That is why it has been decided to distribute free kits for Onam this year. The food distribution department has demanded around Rs 700 crore from the Finance ministry. As soon as the amount is sanctioned the details of the distribution will be clarified. It is not yet clear what is included in this kit. 

            According to another order of the food distribution department 10 kg of rice was distributed to APL card holders that is white and blue card holders in May and June month. Distribution was at Rs 15 per kg. Those who did not buy last months can buy upto 20 kg of rice in July. If you do not buy rice in May and June month ,you can buy 20 kg of rice in July. 

             BPL card holders are getting free rice under the Garib Kalyan Yojana scheme. All ration card holders buy food grains and try to ask for the bill.please share this information to others. 

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