New Business opportunities with coconut 


     Coconut is a very important  fruit in our life. We used it for water, milk ,oil,and meat. You can scrape the raw meat out of the shell and eat it, dried coconut  meat is grated and used in cooking. Coconut is high in carbs ,proteins, minerals, and B vitamins,Manganese.  It is also rich in iron, copper, helps to firm red blood cells, selenium.coconut oil helps to reduce belly fat.High fiber content  of coconut meat helps slow digestion  and improve insulin  resistance. It helps to regulate blood sugar levels .It contains  antioxidants that help to protect  cells from oxidative damage.It can prevent oxidation  of LDL cholesterol. 

     The coconut  tree provides food,fuel,cosmetics ,etc.Its endosperm contains large quantities  of liquid called coconut water.mature coconut can be used as edible, processed for oil,milk from flesh ,charcoal from hard shell,coir from fibrous husk. Sweet coconut  sap can be made into drinks ,fermented  into palm vine.Long pinnacle leaves are used to make a variety of products  for furnishing.

      A single coconut  palm yields 100 coconuts annually. Coconut production has an important  role in our economy, starting a coconut  based business  gives potential  income opportunities  for entrepreneurs. We can start coconut related manufacturing  ,we will get high profit from this business. We can make coconut  oil . It is used in baked food items  ,popcorn,etc. We can start this business  with less capital. 

     You should understand your target  market before starting  this business. Legal documents  are needed.coconut products have immense potential in the export market. Our country utilises traditional  activities of making coir products and oil milling .You can start coconut candy business  from grated coconut meat mixed with coconut milk. It is a tasty food item. Manufacturing  is very simple. 

      You can start a coconut chip making is 0% cholesterol  chips. It is a very good healthy product.scratch and wash the coconut.  Coconut  chips are thinly sliced products. We need a slicer for it. Add sugar water to it. It absorbs the sugar . Then dry it using a dryer. It is a new product  that market. Good marketing  is necessary  for this business.  

      We can make tasty snacks with it. You can add sweet or salt to it .Coconut fiber board is an innovative  product. We can use it for interior and exterior construction  of buildings. Coconut  fiber board is a panel product  made with coir. We can use it for making roofs, false ceilings,doors, door frames,furniture, wardrobes,tables,chairs and beds. We can manufacture  it simply. 

      You can produce coconut  honey .Coconut water contains growth promoting trace elements like glucose,fructose.Filter and evaporate the coconut  water. Then blend with golden syrup to produce coconut honey.we can collect the coconut  water from the companies  and process it. We can sell it at a low price. People can use it instead of sugar. 

        We can start a coconut  drink business. It is a healthy  drink. So you can collect and sell through good packing. It processes and sells it. It needs sealing and packing machinery. It is a profitable business  idea. It has a strong value proposition. 

      You can start a coconut milk powder business.  It is obtained  by spray drying .It is used in a variety  of confectionery products. Making coconut oil is a very popular  business idea. Coconut oil is used as cooking oil, hair oil,industrial  oil,etc. It is made from dried corn having maximum moisture  content. It is used for various industrial  applications  such as manufacture  of toilet soaps,detergents,hair tonics,hair oil,cosmetics,etc.collect plenty of raw materials. You can start a small-scale coconut  oil manufacturing  plant. You should  prepare a business  plan before starting  the business. Arrange the utilities. 

       You can make vinegar from coconut water. It is a preservative ,flavouring  agent used in pickles. Salads,sauces, is white cloudy product with acidic taste .it has low glycemic index. It is a natural vinegar. So you can make and sell it confidentially. Its machinery has Rs 2 lakhs. 

You can start  coconut chutney and sell it. It needs less investment.  If you want to start business  with coconut ,

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