Neem powder business  – how to earn Rs 1,00000 / month


     Online businesses are one kind of business that includes sharing  information through  the internet. Through  online  business,  we can exchange products, services between businesses, individuals  and groups. Online business  has many advantages.  It reduces  time and money spent. It removes location. The Internet  reaches across the world. We can make business online.with physical  stores,some limitations  for the customers to close the store. But in online  business,  it is accessible  from any area with the internet. By online business, it reduces  a lot of overhead costs. One person can do the work of several  people. 

     You can start an online business  from anywhere. Set your own schedule  as you want .You can select many types of internet businesses so many free services  facilitate the possibility. You should start a business  with the market. Find a group  of people who are searching for a solution  to a problem. Visit online forums. Do keyword search to find keywords that a lot of people are searching .

      Many types of online businesses can be started with low capital. You should start an online business  with a subject  that you are knowledgeable about. Maintaining  an online business  helps the entrepreneurs to make money from anywhere in the world. To find a business  idea that matches your skills and strengths. 

     We can start an online business with Rs 50,000 equipments.we can start a small unit of this business. This is a business  where we can make a profit  of up to Rs 1 lakhs at a cost of Rs 500 per day. It is a neem powder business.  

     Neem powder has a lot of health benefits. It is used for healing, to treat asthma ,cough ,diabetes,constipation , stomach ulcers, gum disease, indigestion ,urinary tract infection and other illnesses. Neem  is available as powder ,oil ,tincture ,cream ,mouthwash and capsule. Neem Oil can be used on the skin to treat dandruff and  acne.

     Neem supplements should not be used in children , pregnant women  and breastfeeding women. We can use Neem powder as a face pack. It is not advisable to use it everyday.  It can be used monthly. Neem leaf powder is used to treat dandruff Itihaas antifungal properties apply the paste of neem leaf powder mixed with lemon juice on the scalp and rinsed after 20 minutes.

      It has high demand  in the market. On Amazon,100 g neem powder has Rs 120. Neem powder is mostly used for hair cleaning.  It is a good organic  product.   So it has high demand. We can sell it offline and online. You can tie up with other companies  and sell it to them. 

       We can buy neem leaves from farmers. Wash well and dry with the help of driers. Then make powder with the help of powering machines.  Make packets and sell them to the markets.  We can sell it online. You should make a seller account. Then update the details  and video of our product  freely. You can create a page on Facebook  and a group  on the whatsapp. Then share the details  of products  .You will get good marketing.  You can earn a good profit  from this business. 

      Udyog adhar, Good service tax registration  are necessary  for this business.  This business  needed a dryer machine. It has Rs 20,800 ,powering machine for Rs 20,800 . It has a price of Rs 20,000. Weighing machines. It has a price of Rs 5000 and other expenses are Rs 4,200. Total expense is Rs 50,000.we can make 4 kg neem powder  from 10 kg neem leaves. Neem leaves have Rs 100,packing materials Rs 200,electricity  and other costs Rs 200.So daily  expenses are Rs 500. The profit is Rs 3500 per day.we can earn Rs 1,05,000 / month. 

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