Natural remedy to remove the dark circles around the neck

   Today I would like to inform you about how to remove the dark pigmentation around the neck.  We  can see the dark  pigmentation  in the groin,armpits,and neck. It is uncomfortable.  It is occur due to obesity  or diabetes,PCOD,Thyroid diseases,hormonal imbalance. 

   We can be remove dark pigmentation  using natural methods.Take 2 tablespoon of gram flour,½ tsp of lemon juice,a pinch of turmeric, rose water. Mix it and apply on neck. After 20 minutes,  rinse with normal water. 

     We can use apple cider vinegar.  It removes dark pigmentation. Mix almond oil,coconut oil and massage it into the affected area. We can use lemon .It contains vitamin c  .So it removes dark spots. 

     Today I would like to inform you a natural remedy to remove the darkening around the neck. Avoid garments. We can use teak leaves to it.Heat oil with teak leaves. It helps to remove the darkness.

      Take tamarind  ,mix with water and apply to the neck. Massage well for 15 minutes. Wipe with a cloth.

     Take 1 tsp rice powder,1 tsp wheat powder, 1 tsp yogurt. Mix well and apply to the neck.After 10 minutes add salt ad massage well. Then wipe this mixture with  cloth. It helps to remove the dark circles around the neck.

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