Natural remedy to cure PCOD

          PCOD is a problem that affects all women over the age of 40 years.It is a hormonal disorder. It is a common health problem. It can cause irregular menstruation,difficulty in conceiving.If not treated it may cause diabetes,obesity,high cholesterol level.

              In poly cystic ovarian disease,the ovaries produce more androgens.It causes stop ovulating and un mature eggs. So it forms very small cysts called polycystic ovaries.


  • Weight gain
  • Hair growth in the body and face.
  • Irregular menstruation 
  • Depression
  • Thinning hair on the scalp.

         Mainly it has no treatment.It can only controlled by lifestyle management. But today I would like inform you about how to cure PCOD and management. 

         We can make a natural remedy to control this PCOD. We should control our diet.We can make natural drink with green tea.


Green tea

Cinnamon powder – 1 tsp

Lemon juice     – ½ 

Tulsa leaves    – 3

       Boil green tea and add 1 tsp cinnamon powder,½ juice of lemon and 3 pulse leaves.If you want sugar you can add palm sugar to it.

        You should drink it with mild heat. It is best to drink on an empty stomach.After 30 minutes you should take breakfast.You can take ghee  instead of oil to make breakfast.Avoid fry foods,meat etc. Take more green leafy vegetables.

       Take more vitamin c, proteins, vitamins, containing foods.Drink plenty of water.Take adequate exercises.

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