Natural remedy for urinary stones

            Urinary stones are a problem that is seen by almost everyone after the age of 40. Many people suffer from urinary stones. Even going to the hospital and taking a lot of medication does not make a complete cure. There is  a relief for that time only. There are several treatments are available now for urinary stones. There are many treatments like surgery laser treatment and stone crushing. But all of this is very costly.

      But let’s see how we can cure this disease, using a few things that we see around us.


  • Tender coconut( karikku)  – 1
  • Ash guard ( kumbalanga)     – 1

        The tender coconut should be ready for us to scoop out with a spoon. Ghee ash guard is required. It is very small and has a lot of medicinal properties. Thoroughly wash the outside of the ghee ash guard. Then cut into small pieces.

          Beat in a mixer  and squeeze the juice well. Put a hole in the tender coconut that we have taken and then pour the juice of the beaten ash guard in to it. After changing some of the tender coconut water in the coconut  you need to add this ash guard juice to it. Keep it in the fridge for a day. 

           The next morning we can drink on an empty stomach. We can mix  this tender coconut and ash guard juice with a spoon and drink it. After drinking this for 3 continuous days  you can get a relief from this disease.It is very effective remedy.

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