Natural remedy for smoothen the hair and increases the hair growth

     Today I would like to inform  you  a natural tip for hair growth. Hair loss is the main problem.  Emotional stress, hormonal changes, pregnancy, nutritional impairment, iron deficiency, any diseases are the causes of hair loss.Lack of vitamin D causes the hair loss.If you loss more than 100 hairs away, it is not normal.

      We can stop hair loss and improve the hair growth. Avoid hot showers. Scalp massage is the best way to increase the hair growth.Take vitamin D ,biotin,vitamins,zinc .

     Carrot is best for hair growth. It contains vitamin A. Add  walnuts,eggs,oats,green peas,etc to your diet.Massaging the scalp with hair oils is the best way to increase the hair growth. Apply the egg white,aloe vera,onion juice,olive oil,caster oil make your hair thicker.

      We can use rice water to hair. It helps to look your hair shiny.Eat vitamin containing foods,Use mild shampoos to the hair.

       Today I would like to inform you a natural remedy for hair growth.We used 2 ingredients in this remedy.It makes hair silky and shiny.This remedy is 100 % natural. 



Shoe flower/ egg white 

Aloe Vera wash well.And cut it in to pieces.And take the pulp from it.  Crush it in the mixie jar.

Pour 3 drops of hair oil . Mix well.Detangle the hair. Apply  this mixture to the hair. It helps to smooth hair .After 15 minutes wash the hair. It helps to smoothen the hair.

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