Natural Remedies for kidney stoneĀ 

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā kidney stones are hard,Ā  small deposits of minerals and acid saltsĀ  that stick together in concentrated urine.ItĀ  forms in kidney and painful when passed. kidney stones can develop Kidneys,Ā  ureters, bladder, urethra.Ā 

Ā Types of kidney stonesĀ 

  • Calcium stones
  • Struvite stones(magnesium)
  • Uric acid stones
  • Cystine stones


  • GeneticĀ 
  • Don’t drink enough water.
  • Intake of high protein, sodium,Ā  sugar diet.Ā 
  • Any intestinal surgery, Polycystic kidney disease.
  • High levels of uric acid.Ā 
  • Swelling in joints.
  • Intake of diuretics.Ā 
  • Mostly occur in age between 20 – 50 yrsĀ 

Risk factors

  • ObesityĀ 
  • DehydrationĀ 
  • Hyperparathyroid condition


  • Severe painĀ 
  • Nausea
  • Blood in urine
  • Vomiting
  • Foul smellĀ  in urineĀ 
  • ChillsĀ 
  • FeverĀ 
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Urinary obstructionĀ 
  • Kidney infection

Ā Home remediesĀ 

  • Drinking plenty of fluids.
  • Drinking lemon juiceĀ 
  • Consume apple cider vinegar
  • Drink celery juice,Ā  pomegranate juice.Ā 
  • Eat less salt and sugar.
  • Manage weight
  • AvoidĀ  sugary drinks.
  • Banana prevent kidney stones.
  • Drinking half cup of lemon juice concentrate diluted in water each day.Ā 
  • Drink one quarter of water as quickly drink and drink another quarter over next 12 hours.
  • Apply Heating pad or hot compress to sore area.
  • SpreadĀ  castor oil mixed with 10 drops of Ginger,Ā  paper, mint cover with the Cotton, then apply a heating pad.Ā 
  • Gravel root isĀ  used to relax the muscles around ureter and ease passage of stones.Ā 
  • ToĀ  consume boil,Ā  one or more celery stalks with water, drinkĀ  the juice throughout the day. If you have low blood pressure,Ā  or any surgery, you should avoid this.
  • Consumption of kidney beans reduce kidney stones.


  • Drinking enough fluids. 8 – 12 cups of water per day.Ā 
  • Limiting Sodium and animal proteins (egg, meat) in diet.Ā 
  • Avoid stone forming foods (beets, chocolate, spinach,Ā  nuts, cola ).
  • Eating fruits and vegetablesĀ 
  • Sip a glass of wine per day

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