Natural  remedies for allergies

        Most of us suffer from allergies.what is allergy ?An allergies are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity  of immune system.It mainly occur when our immune system react to foreign bodies. Eosinophilia is increase in peripheral blood eosinophilic leukocytes.

       Allergies can cause sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion. We use a variety of medication for allergies . But none of them give us a complete change. But there are natural remedies to cure the allergy completely. Let us see what are the remedies.

      We can see many types of allergies. Skin allergy ,food allergy,dust allergy drug allergy.Climate allergy.  Use the mask when cleaning the dust parts.If possible take a bath before the evening. After bathing do not dry the hair under the fan.It may increases the allergic conditions. We can eat all  fruits except grapes.

     Avoid body spray, It may cause allergies. Now let us look at the natural remedy for this allergy.


Turmeric powder  – ½ tsp

Tulsi powder   – ½ tsp

Honey   – ½ tsp

     Mix these ingredients. And take morning and evening. It will give a good result.Avoid exposure to your allergens. 

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