Natural home remedy to reduce our belly fat

          Many of us suffer from obesity and belly fat.We are using a lot of medicines to reduce belly fat. But usually those medications don’t give good result.Today I would like to introduce a home remedy to reduce this problem.

         It is very useful drink to reduce our belly fat.It has no side effects.It is best to drink it on an empty stomach.


Garlic   – 4 piece

Water   – 2 cup

Lemon  – ½ 

        Crush the garlic and dip into 2 cup of water .Mix well and boiled well.After boiling cover it.Boil night and then drink on an empty stomach in the morning. Squeeze ½ lemon to this water.It is very effective drink.It helps to reduce cholesterol level, obesity, Constipation.It increases our metabolism. 

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