National Consumer Helpline -How to contact in case of money loss through online transactions 


         Online transactions  are the payment method ,the transfer of money through  online.It is secure and password protected. Online transactions  include three steps. They are registration, placing an order,and payment. It facilitates and manages data entry, retrieval and transaction  processing. We can do it with the help of the internet.It is the process of buying  and selling  through the internet. We can make the payment  online.After that the products are delivered to the customer.  We should register  the website online to buy a product. Enter the personal  details with the website. 

           When a customer likes a product, put the product in the shopping cart.It gives a record of all items selected by the buyer to be purchased.Then proceeds the payment option after selecting  products. We can select the payment option.It is secured with very high level encryption, so that personal  financial  information enters stays completely secure.we can pay cash on delivery option .we can pay in cash,debit, credit cards. We can select the cheque option.we can send a cheque to the seller .we can transfer the payment from buyers account  to sellers account  electronically.we can select digit cash option.

         Online transactions are a method of payment in which transfer  of funds online over ele fund transfer, It allows  to save many items ,time spent on transactions. It is a very simple  method. In online transactions, registration is required. You should register with an online vendor.we can transfer bank to bank ,pay bills,transfer money between your accounts, etc.It is easier to manage.  It is a secure  and reliable method.It has low risk.

         Online transactions  have many disadvantages. Your money is not safe in the online world  . Innocent peoples fall victim to online fraud.Never agree to carry out transactions  on someone’s say so.never give details about your bank.Do not reveal username  and password. You should  have separate  accounts  for public dealings.Check the veracity  of applications that you download..

         If you are the victim  of cyber fraud, and have lost money from your account, you should complain to the bank about the incident  within three days. When hackers get access to the private details, they easily withdraw money from bank accounts. People who immediately  share information regarding these types of fraud  transactions can help avoid losing  money. You should inform the bank immediately to get the benefit of insurance.  After informing  the bank, they will immediately  inform  the insurance  company about the fraud. Within 10 working days,the loss is Compensated by the bank.

     Otherwise  you can contact the National consumer helpline under the central government. You will get an immediate  solution.  If you have any loss from online  transactions, you can contact this number. We can contact them through  their websites,toll free number,  SMS, mobile number. They contact the digital  service of the bank and we will get back money. If you have any refund issues, you can contact  them. 

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