Main symptoms of breast cancer

     Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells invade or spread to other parts of body. It is more than 100 types. It is uncontrolled development of cells. It is caused by certain changes to genes. It is a leading cause of death. Cancer develops when the normal mechanism of body stops working. Cancer cells grow out of control  and forming new abnormal cells. These cells form as tumor.

      Mainly cancer has 4 types. Lymphoma is one type of cancer. Leukaemia is another type. It is blood cancer. Sarcomas are the cancer begins in the tissues. Carcinomas are the cancer begins in the skin / tissue covers the internal organs.

 Breast cancer is the main type of cancer in females. It is the most common type of cancer. We can treat this cancer earlier completely.


Hereditary changes

Life style changes

Age above 50 yrs

      Mainly cancer has 4 types. In first stage the cancer cells may not have spread to other organs. But in third stage the cancer cells spread to nearest organs. In forth stage, the cancer cells spread to other organs. We can treat completely in the first and second stage.

       Breast cancer has screening test to detect the cancer. We can use mammogram as screening test.Take mammogram between 2 or 3 years. We can check the breast after menstruation. If you have any change in the shape of the breast   you should consult a doctor.


Painful lumps

Painless lumps

Color changes

Dimpled nipple

Red ness in the breast

Scaliness of the brest

Skin thickening


Any discharge from the breast




CT scan



Bone scan

PET scan





Hormone therapy

We can remove small part of breast. If tumor is above 1 cm, we can start chemotherapy. After surgery radiation is required. We can cure breast cancer completely .

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