Let’s change APL card to BPL card 

                  At present, the full benefits are those in the priority category. There are people in the non priority category who deserve priority categories. If you want to be considered in to  the priority categories, you can apply with the clear documents.Currently there are four types of ration cards in our state. AAY Card( yellow ),BPL card(pink). These two cards are belong to the priority category. These priority cards are currently considered for government benefits both professionally and educationally.

            There are non priority category cards  in our state people with the essential economic conditions are included in this card.Even  when we apply for new cards, we get white cards

That means the next two types of cards .There are APL subsidy cards in the non  priority categories. That means cards that get a little more benefits. That card is blue in colour . Next  up are the white cards. That is the highest category card.Currently such cards do not get any benefits . Employees of Central government, government pensioners,business men with the financial status, these peoples of various categories are eligible for the white cards.

      Those who are applying for the new ration card, will get these cards. As part of the ration card renewal,l we used to fill out forms through ration shops/ local self government institutions. We can either fill ourselves or  write down the things with the volunteers who came. Based on this information ,and the specific markes,we have included belongs to the priority /non priority category. A lot of people who are not financially secure/ who are sick,  hold blue cards/white cards. Upon arrival at the Taluk Supply offices, you will have to fill out the application forms and submit the application by attaching such documents with proof of certificates. 

      When people are expelled from the priority category (BPL card), the vacancies arising are equally distributed across all Taluks.Application for each of the Taluks are  being considered in the priority categories, which are currently being considered by the people who are in the APL.People who work in government /semi government institutions, people who receives service pensions, people whose monthly income is more than Rs 25,000 ,the houses for those over 1000 square feet, they cannot apply.  People who own more than one acre of land, pay income tax and own four wheels are not eligible to apply.

L        If you are eligible for all the criteria, you can apply. Depending on the information, we have provided in the application form, there will be special marking. The following criteria are also used to give more priority to the applicants. In case of applicant’s family, anyone with heart disease ,Kidney Disease, liver disease ,cancer is considered as important. If there are children with Autism ,widows, those who are enrolled in a government based trust programs, such peoples are given more priority . In that case , these applicants will be the first category to be considered. After the lockdown ,apply with  eligible criteria to the relevant local bodies. Please share this information to others.

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