Last installment of the Jan dhan account benefit has  already begun

            As one of the most important projects of the  central government, jan dhan bank accounts have been opened. The scheme was launched on August 28 ,2014. There are many people in our state who are receiving benefits of this  jan dhan account. The benefits announced by the central government will be the first to arrive in such bank accounts. According to the latest information we have, they are giving an additional Rs 500 to the holders of the jan Dhan bank account .

      Currently in the time of covid-19, through the Garib Kalyan Yojana in women account has  reached Rs 500 each, Rs 1500 in 3 months. Currently in its third installment and distribution is just beginning from fifth Friday,  the money has been brought into the bank accounts of The eligibles. This is the last installment of Rs 500. Any new benefits will also be credited to this bank account . 

          Currently the beneficiaries of Jan Dhan account are eligible to this benefits. This can be done at many banks in our state for people who want to open a new account. This account can be opened as a joint account above the age of 10 years

          You will get a rupay debit card with this.  for those who maintain jan dhan account ,active for 6 months, we get up to Rs 10,000 as  overdraft facility . Without any special applications, we should get a benefit of Rs 10,000.

              Similarly we can get the accidental insurance coverage up to Rs 1 lakh, personal insurance coverage of Rs 30,000 from this bank account . please share this information to others

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