Kudumbasree members will get Rs 3 lakh at 5% interest

     Today I would like to inform you about we get a loan Rs 3 lakh from kudumbasree. Kudumbasree is the state poverty eradication of kerala. It is the community based organization.  The main aim is to improve the standard of poor women of rural areas.

       Many women in kerala  are members of kudumbasree. It is very useful project for poor women. They will get many benefits from it. It helps to improve their social skills . 

     They gets a lot of benefits through kudumbasree.  It improves their self certification. It gives self employment and source of income to them.All members of kudumbasree gets loan from it. Today I would like to introduce  a micro finance scheme.  We will get this loan from kudumbasree. 

      We will get Rs 3 lakh through this micro finance. Age limit  is 18 to 55 years. We will get this loan with low interest.  Its interest is 5% for 3 lakh. Loan repayment period is  3 years. 

     For this you need to register with kudumbasree. The applicants must belong to scheduled castes category. Wecan apply now for this loan.If you have any doubt please contact scheduled caste development office.

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