Kerala Pravasi kshemanidhi pension- Importance, benefits, how to join 2022


      Kerala non resident  keralites welfare board is a Kerala government statutory .it is functioning under non resident keralites welfare act.Every pravasi 18 to 55years age can register as a member of the fund.pravasi above 18 years who has left Kerala for employment and resides for more than 6 months outside Kerala can register his name as member. The registration fee is Rs 200.pravasiwho had returned to kerala after his employment and resides permanently within Kerala can continue as deemed member to the fund on continuous payment of contribution until 60 years of age.The contribution from registered members are Rs 300per month.pravasi when returned and settled down permanently in Kerala had to pay Rs 100.They will get fund grants from government of India.

       Pravasi pension scheme was introduced in April 2018 for benefits of citizens who have settled outside Kerala. This benefit gets the pravasi during retirement or at completion of tenure of work.This scheme is not eligible for the Kerala citizens who are covered under central or state government pension scheme.members of pravasi kshemanidhi pension scheme will get Rs 2000 per will be available after 60 years.

Now 20,000 members get this pension. 6 lakhs people are the members  of this scheme.Our government has released the new order to implement  pension  plan for pravasi .Those registered with pravasi welfare fund are receiving Rs 2000per month after 60 years of age. But now onwards expats  who have returned home will receive Rs 3000 and those who are still working  abroad will be receiving Rs 3500 per month.It is very happy news for expatriates. It helps the lower and middle income keralites

How to register online

  • Visit the official website of Kerala pravasi welfare board.
  • Find service link
  • Click online apply from online registration. 
  • You can see pravasi pension online application page. 
  • Select the type of registration. 
  • Enter personal details 
  • Enter the details of nominee.
  • Affix photo along with signature on the page.submit the application 
  • Pay the registration fees Rs can do the payment  offline or can remit any branch of banks.

        Kerala government introduced a bill to pass kerala non resident keralites welfare act.It was established by government of kerala to create pravasi wefund. It provides welfare schemes  to NRKS. There are many welfare schemes in welfare act. They are pension schemes,family pension scheme, medical aid,etc.The contribution period is Rs 5 years.

The membership is divided into 3 categories. They are 

■Non resident keralites who are working  abroad (1A)

■ NRK who have returned to India for permanent settlement  after 2years abroad(1B)

■NRKs who are working in India outside Kerala (2A)

1A category   –  Rs 300/month

1B category   –  Rs 100/ month

2A category    – Rs 100/ month 

        If the member of Kerala Pravasi welfare board dies his family members shall be eligible to get family pension of an amount 50 %of eligible pension. If the member 1A of pravasi welfare fund died due to accident  or illness their spouse, children, sister,brother  are eligible to get financial assistance Rs 50,000.if the member of NRK 1B dies,his dependence will get financial  assistance  Rs 30,000.

      The members of NRK 1B  dies,his dependents will get financial assistance Rs 30,000.If the member of NRK suffering from critical illness, he will get financial  assistance  Rs 50,000.If you want to open new NRE/NRO account, you can apply online.under Pravasi pension scheme, you will get Rs 5000per month.monthly payment must be pay until 60 years of age.For members who have paid contribution more than 5 years will get additional pension eqto minimum pension amount. 

         It also includes posthumous financial  assistance, medical assistance. Financial assistance will be provided for educational needs of children. You can pay pravasi kshemanidhi. The service charge is Rs can pay through online.After completion of registration, you can check the status. If you had lost you should pay Rs 200 per month. 

       If you didn’t pay the contribution,you can pay the interest and continue the contribution. Now onwards 1A category will get Rs 3500and 1B category  will get Rs 3000 as pension. It started from April 1, should pay the contribution .

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