Kerala karshaka kshema pension

            The Kerala government proposed to give pension to all farmers. Agricultural minister V S. Sunil Kumar presented the Kerala farmers welfare fund bill in the assembly on wednesday. In this scheme including  all farmers with a minimum 5 cents to maximum 15 acres of own or leased land. 


  •  All farmers can become members. 
  • Each farmer has to make at least a contribution of Rs.100-Rs250  for 5 years, they get pension on 60 years old.
  •  The farmers should be more clarity once the law  is formulated.
  •  The pension is calculated based on contribution and the number of years.
  •  Farmers with less than 7.5 acres of rubber,  coffee,tea, cardamom included.
  • In this case they should not have annual income for more than 5 lakh. 
  • All type of farmers include gardening, farmers (Honey Bee,fish, duck, goat,   silk worm, rabbit, pig)
  • The farmers must have been agricultural field for 3 years.
  •  The farmers should also about the age of 18 years. 
  • They should not a part of other welfare funds. 
  • In this pension of Rs 3000 will be provided to small and marginal farmers in the age of 18 to 40 years, attaining the age of 60 years

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