Important  uses of eggshells in our daily life

        Today I want to tell you about the  important uses of egg shell in our daily life. Usually we throw away the egg shells. We can use it for many things in our daily life. But if we collect some of these without losing them,  we can use it for many things in our daily life. Let’s see what they are. 

          Egg shells should be stored after wash. Grind by hand the eggshells we kept. Then put this egg shells  in a mixing jar and grind it well. We can get this egg shells in a powder form. We have a lot of uses with this powder.

The first use is to put the egg shell in the mixer jar and grind,  the blade of the mixie jar get nice sharpness.

Pour off this powder, soap water and water to  mixie, remove stains from the mixing jar. If these are thoroughly beaten and then rinsed off, all the stains on the mixie will be removed. The inside of the mixer gets well cleaned.

If we get any wounds on our hands, mix this powder with water and apply it on the wound area and the wound will dry quickly. Do not apply this powder on large wounds.

             Next up is an idea that is very useful for women. We often get our hands on the stain of vegetables. Even if we clean, these stains will not go away at some point. For that we can use this powder. Mix this powder with a little water and the rub it well on the stained area.This is very useful tip.

               It is very difficult to remove stickers from small containers in our kitchen. To change this sticker,  just add powder and some water and lightly brush the outside of the bottle. This sticker will fade very quickly if you do so for a while.

                We can see the stains on the inside and outside of the tea making utensils. We can use this powder to replace it. Mix powder with some water and apply on the stained   part of the bowl to remove the stain.

           Is it a good idea to give this powder to dogs and cats in our homes. When this powder is mixed with rice,  it is good for their health and growth.

          Similarly this powder can be used as a fertilizer for plants. Add aloevera and it will germinate well. It can be used as a fertilizer for any plant. This will help the plants not to be disturbed by fests, worms and insects. It can be used for any kind of vegetables.

         It is one of the most useful in our life. Please try this and share this information to others.

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