How to store lemons without damage for months

                           We are all buy lemon. But a few days after buying a lemon, you can see that it can be damaged even if you keep it in the fridge.  After a few days you can see that the lemon drying out.

1.Today I am sharing with you a tip that lemons have not been damaged  for days.

                First wash  the lemons well. It is better to wash with a little salt water. Replace spoiled lemons and put only good lemons in a bowl. Wipe these lemons with a dry cloth as well. Lemon should not contain water. Take a newspaper and roll this lemon in it well seperately.

                   Then we can put it inside any plastic container. Lemons remain intact for six or eight months. Then this plastic container can be stored in the fridge. These lemons will stay intact for as long as you want.

 2.   When we buy lemons we do not always get  good yellow lemons. We also get green lemons. It is very difficult to get the juice from green lemons. This is a tip on how to get  juice from a green lemon.

                First take a knife and pierce this lemon. Turn on the stove and lower the flame. Then heat the lemon slightly.put off the  flame and cut the lemon. Squeeze the lemon over low heat. We get a lot of juice.

3.When we buy lemons we get spoiled lemons. How to make damaged lemon useful

           Cut and replace the bad part of the lemon. Squeeze the juice of the remaining lemon. Drain the juice and pour into an ice cube bowl. When we drink lemonade, we can put it in water and drink it.

4. We can also use dried lemons in the fridge. We can use these in two ways.

           Take a lemon and cut it into small pieces with scissors. Cut into small pieces and put in a bowl. After taking some water in  a bowl, boil it well. Put sliced lemon in it. Wait at least 5 minutes for boiled lemon and water. Turn off the flame and the strain it into a bowl. Wait until cool. Pour 1 tbs vinegar, 1 tbs soap powder into the lemon juice we got.Mix well.

              This water should be slightly warm. Take this mixture we got into a sprayer  bottle. We can use this mixture to clean mirrors. This mixture can be used for washing the basin. This lotion can be used to avoid ant infestation. This allows the claw in the Pipe to go away. Please try this and  share this information to others.

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