How to reduce heat from rooms

    Today I would like to inform you about a formula to escape from hot.By the time of summer,the terrace is heated and the nights are terribly hot.Even if you put  fan on,it will be still be hot.It is very difficult to day and night.Sometimes we can not even sleep well.When we put the fan on,we get hot air from the terrace through the fan to the room.

    But air-conditioner is a good solution  to it . But it is highly expensive and ordinary people can’t even think about ac. But today I would like to introduce a tip to reduce the heat from rooms.  To do this,white cement should be applied on the terrace.

      We can see a low cost method to reduce the heat from the terrace .It has 3 year warranty.we can paint  white cement on the terrace. It reflects the sun light. Clean  the terrace well. Take 5 kg white cement. Mix with 8 liter water.Mix well. Mix 250  liter fevicol to it.Mix well. Then we can paint this white cement on the terrace. Totally we can use 20 kg whte cement. It reduces heat from rooms. 

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