How to make tasty  mung bean (cherupayar) chutney

        Today I would like to inform you about a  new recipe.It is very tasty. We can make a mung bean chutney. Mung beans (cherupayar) are high in antioxidants,nutrients. It  helps to reduce heart attacks, digestive problems, and obesity.  It lowers bad cholesterol,  blood pressure, blood sugar level. 

         Mung beans contain  vitamin  B9,protein, fibers,minerals, vitamins,potassium. It helps to clear the toxins from our body. It helps to clear the skin. 

         Today we can see how to make mung bean chutney. Wash the mung beans well. Take a pan and put 1 glass of mung bean to it. 

       Stir until the mung beans are well heated.  We get brown coloured  mungbean. Put off the gas and allow it to cool.

      Then we can grind these mung beans well in a mixie jar. Add 5 tbs coconut ,3 garlic cloves,curry leaves, 1 tbsp chilli powder,salt,  a little water   to it. Grind well. Do not add more water. We Will get a tasty chutney. It is a very healthy chutney. 

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