How to make  sandalwood candles

      The number of unemployed person is  increased during this period of covid 19. So today I want to introduce you to a job that can be done at  home.That is sandal wood manufacturing business.You can start this business with small investment.In this business, you can using machines. It is a very simple small business. 

          This is one of the best self-employment option. We can start this business with the small amount of money we have.1 kg Sandalwood costs between Rs 70 to Rs 100  . We can easily get it in the market. Sandalwood candles are machined from other places and brought to our markets.

          Non  perfume Sandalwood candles are easily available at chala market in Tiruvananthapuram  and chinnakkada market in kollam and all markets. If you buy 5 kg of Sandalwood wick,you will get five thousand wicks. Then buy half liter of perfume. Half liter of perfume costs  between Rs 500 and above.

           Add DP oil in the ratio of 1:3. Mixer DP oil and perfume in a bottle and soaks ¾ part of Sandalwood wicks  in it. Then take them out and put them back.Buy and keep sandalwood packing cases. You will get these packets from 90 paisa to Rs 1 .

      We can pack  these ourselves and sell them through the nearest kudumbasree.We can sell it  at a lower price. We can give a packet wick worth Rs 10 in shops for Rs 7. We can sell it in bulk. We can print  a packet with our own name. We can print and get Rs 1 for one packet.

        When you first do this ,starte from  small should buy low cost perfume .Decreasing the amount  of DP oil will get good smell. We need a license from panchayat for making  sandal wood wicks through machines.we need a pollution certificate for sandal wood making.

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