How to make natural hair dye at home

 Hair dye is changing the hair colour. The main reason is to cover white hair /grey hair.Mainly we use artificial hair colours but it causes allergies and many of ingredients can lead to cancer or skin irritations .But natural hair dyes improve the strength of hair. And change the colour of the hair It is easier than we think. Now we can say how to make hair dyes natural.

  • Mixer Kalonji powder ,Henna powder, yoghurt, gooseberry powder .mix it well and applied to scalp and apply Kalonji oil 4 days in a week .It is the best remedy to darken the hair.
  • Boiled the coconut oil to be a good red colour .The oil applied to the hair and scalp for an hour to prevent hair fall and dandruff.
  • Mixture of coconut oil and lemon and apply the hair is the special way to darken the hair.
  • Carrot juice with coconut oil Apply scrap and hair. it is the best way to darken the hair.

If you want to extend the life of your natural dyed hair. 

.Use water filter in the shower 

.Avoid hot showers. 

.apply thermal protectant

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