How to make karkidaka porridge or  fenugreek porridge

            Today I would like to share with you one of the most useful things of this karkataka month. Today I am sharing with you about the karkataka porridge that can be eaten for a day,  a week or even a month during this month of karkidaka. This porridge is made with fenugreek and hence it is also called fenugreek porridge. Fenugreek is one of the best for our body,  hair and skin.


Fenugreek   – ½ cup

Navara  rice –   ¼ cup

Raw rice    – ¼ cup

Green  gram –  1 Tablespoon

Black gram  – 1 tablespoon

Jaggery    – 3 piece 

Salt   – 1 pinch 

Karkidaka koottu  – 1 spoon 

Coconut  milk –   1 cup

Ghee   – 1 tsp

                  Take a   bowl. Add  Fenugreek, greenery, mung  bean, black gram and navara rice into it. Then wash it  thoroughly. Now pour water over it to soak it. Soak overnight. Doing so will get it ready with just one or two whistles. The next morning put it in the cooker and pour enough water. 

          We can stop when two whistles are blown in the cooker. We can transfer it from cooker to another bowl. Put  medium flame. Lay it in the pot for a while and let it boil. Let’s add jaggery to it. Add a pinch of salt to it.mix  it well. Similarly we can buy karkkidaka koottu in stores. You can add a teaspoon of it to this porridge.mix it well. Allow  one more to boil. 

            Now let’s add coconut milk to it. Put the flame  high and mix well. Turn off the flame after it boils well. Add a  teaspoon of ghee to it. We can drink it with a mild heat.

              Our fenugreek porridge  is ready. This is very tasty  and it helps to nourish the body and relieve body aches.please try this and share this information to others. 

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