How to make home  made air conditioner 

       Today I would like to inform you about how to make an air conditioner in our homes. Now is very hot time. Even if you put the fan on,you will not any decrease in the heat.It’s too expensive to buy an air conditioner. But today I want to introduce you to an ac that can be made at home.

      Air-conditioning is the process of removing heat and controlling the humidity of the air within a room. It gives more comfortable environment.  It gives freshness and fast cooling. We can make a homemade air conditioner  with low cost. 

     We need a fan and two same size plastic bottles to make this air conditioner. Make some small holes in to the bottles.Attach this bottles to the front of the table fan. Fill the bottles with ice . And put on the fan we get cool breeze. We can overcome the hot  climate.It is very useful to us.  It is a simple method.

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