How to make different coloured  hibiscus flowers in One plant

         Chembarathi is also known as shoe flower because it is used to polish shoes in african countries. The juice of this flower is used in china as shoe blacking. It is also used for medicinal applications. 

         We can eat this flower and used to tea,jam or salads.Many people  drink this tea for medicinal properties. Hibiscus flower contains antioxidants. It helps to lowering blood pressure,fat level,weight.  It maintains liver health. 

        It is also used to hair growth.It helps to nourish  the hair and increase the blood circulation. We can prepare hibiscus oil. It is a natural diuretic. Over conception of hibiscus danger to our body. It reduces the risk of thyroid cancer and liver diseases. 

         It is possible to make many different  colored flowers in one plant. It is a very beautiful  view. We can draft other coloured hibiscus stems on top of  one stem. Cover with plastic cover. After 2 months We can see the sprouts coming. Different coloured hibiscus flowers will come.

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