How to make correction in SSLC certificate 


        Today I would like to inform you about how  to make a correction in your SSLC certificate.we can change name, parents  name, identification  marks,place of birth ,caste,address .we can change these corrections  easily.SSLC(secondary school leaving certificate) book is the certification  obtained by a student on successful completion of an examination  at the end of study at secondary schooling level.

        It is an important  document  for students who want to continue with their education  for higher classes.It is given to the students who have passed 10th examination.  SSLC is required to attain a passport.It is the valid proof of date of birth.It is also used for jobs.

       We can correct spellings of names,caste,parents name,address etc.Firstlyprint the application  form, Fill up the application  form.attach the documents  with it and send it to the pariksha bharat through your school’s principal.

        We can correct 12 mistakes through this application.  You can change name,Language, parents name, identification  marks,place of birth,caste,religion, sex ,address and nationality.  Select it  and enter educational  district.enter mobile number. 

      Then enter name ,address, passed year ,register number,details  of correction  required,name of school . We should pay Rs 30 for it.  Attach Chellan with it.  

      Original SSLC certificates, Chelan, are the common documents.   Birth certificate, 1st standard certificate,  one and same certificate, caste certificate, are other documents.  We will get a new SSLC book within 2 months.

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