How to make anti ageing drink

                      Today I would like to introduce you to a remedy that will change the wrinkles in our body very quickly. You will also get a good  results with this tip. It should be drink at night. This drink can help reducing age and change a lot of problems in our skin. It only gives good results if you drink it continuously for a few days. Let’s see how it is make.


Milk    – 1 glass

Almonds  powder – 1 tsp

White/back  pepper – ¼ tsp

Turmeric powder  – 2 pinch

Palm jaggery  – 1 tsp

         Take  one glass of boiled milk. Add 1 teaspoon of badam powder. It also helps to increase our eyesight. It also helps to brighten the skin.Add ¼ tsp white/ black pepper. This helps in relieving the infection that occurs in our skin.

              Add 2 pinch of turmeric helps to relieving stomach problems. It also helps in reversing the infection in the body. We can add as much Palm jaggery as we need for sweetness. Mix well. It is best to drink it daily at night.

              It helps to purify the blood and helps hair to grow well.  And helps the face to glow better and helps in relieving allergy. It  helps the body stay in good health all the time and it helps to relieve pain in the body. It helps  to get good sleep.

                            It helps to increase the visual activity of the eye and  reducing the headache. It has no side effects. People with sugar can drink it after avoiding jaggery. The milk should be boiled well and then added ingredients.  It is very useful to everyone. Please try this and share this information to others.

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