How to earn Rs 100 crore at 55 years from Mutual fund SIP


       Investment is an asset to attain increase in value over a period of time. It requires time,money,and effort. The purpose  of investing is to generate returns from invested  assets. We can see various types of investments. It helps to achieve financial  goals. It helps to allow money to grow. If you invest in a saleable asset.we can earn a good profit  from it. There are different types  of investments. They are growth investments, shares,property,defensive investments,cash and fixed deposits.  First start small investments. You do not need a lot of money to invest. Don’t wait for investments. Increase your investment amount over time. Investing in the future is a simple process. 

       We can see how to make a 100 crore challenge  for our children.  It helps to achieve  their retirement plan. It is a good idea. They will do 200 chores in their 55 years. We can invest a seed in their life. We can use a mutual  fund SIP for this investment.  

      We can invest a fixed amount of money in mutual funds. SIP is a systematic investment  plan. We can invest a fixed amount  in a mutual fund scheme at regular  intervals.  You can give your bank standing instructions to debit the amount every month. It helps to invest in  a manner without fear about market volatility. SIP helps the investor  to invest a fixed amount at regular  intervals in a mutual  fund scheme. 

     You can earn an increased principal  amount  .you should select a good mutual  fund for investment. We can calculate  it through a SIP calculator. SIP calculator  is an online material that helps to calculate the returns from your SIP investment. We can give inputs to it. It needs an investment amount,expected date of return, investment  tenure,etc. We will get chart format and graphical from this calculator. 

      It works on an investment  amount approach. It estimates return of maturity amount based on three categories.  They are above average,  average  and below average. It doesn’t guarantee  returns. Actual return higher or lower than estimate. 

       It requires entering the monthly amount  they want to invest in the mutual  fund.And enter duration  of the investment and expected rate of return. It will automatically  calculate the maturity  amount. We can invest Rs 2000in an SIP  after the birth of a child .We can invest an amount  toll the 23 years of child’s age. We can choose the fund. We can select the passive fund of Nifty.  Now it  has 14 to 15 % return. If it has 10% return,  you will get Rs 21 lakhs in 23 years. 

      They can continue  the fund  till the age of 55 yrs. After 55yes of age they will get Rs 5.5 crore. If the SIP has 15 % return, after 23 years you will get 48 lakhs. If your child  continues  till the age of 55 years,you will get 58 crores at the age of 55 . You can invest 3500 in SIP,at 10% return, you will get Rs 37 lakhs at the age of 23 yrs. At the age of 55 years, you will get Rs 10 crore.If you will get 25% return,  at the age of 23 years, you will get Rs 84 lakhs, at the age of 55 years, you will get 100 crore. 

        It helps to give an investment habit to the children. It changes their behavior.  We can start an account  in the name of a child. You can change the account  after 18 years of age. Then the child can invest. 

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