How to change the gear easily

        We make a lot of mistakes when we first learn to drive. The important thing is that the gear goes wrong  when changing. This is a very difficult thing for those who are learning to drive. 

       Today I would like to share with you a tip for those who are learning to drive for the first time and who have  not yet study to change the gear. That way you will have a solution to all the problems caused by gear.

         This method is called  palm method. With this method you can shift gears correctly. Press the clutch and keep the vehicle in gear neutral. Remove the foot from the clutch ,apply the brake and start the vehicle. Then you can fully press the clutch and give the first gear .

        The palm of the hand should be tilted and held close to the gear to shift the gear and move up towards.That is the first gear. Then take your foot off the brake  release the hand brake and move the vehicle forward. 

       When the vehicle start moving slightly, we apply the second gear. The palm of the hand should be tilted and held close to the gear to shift the gear and downwards straightly.That is the second gear.

        If you press the clutch and the shift gear forward it will come to neutral. Then put  it up again ,it will come in the third gear. When the clutch is press and put it down ,it is in the fourth gear. 

         BOnce on the neutral hold the maximum to the right side and press to upwards .That is the fifth gear. You can only go into 5th gear on a good straight road.

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