How to calculate  weight of a Buffalo with measuring  tape


         A Buffalo has a black colour cattle-like  appearance  . Buffaloes are different  types. The domestic Buffalo,water Buffalo, cape Buffalo, Eurasia Buffalo. Water buffaloes  are used for milk,meat and work. All types of buffaloes  are black in color and large in physique. Most buffaloes  have a horn . Absence of sweat glands on its skin causes more heat inside their bodies. So they prefer to stay around  water  during the day. They put mud on their bodies ,so that their bodies would be cooled.

         Buffaloes  are bovine species. Buffaloes prefer a life in the wild. According to the formula W = (Y×Y×X)/660,where W is the live body weight of an animal in pounds,Y is the heart girth( inch)X is the length from the point of shoulder to the point of pin bone ( inch). We can convert the body weight  from pound to kg. 

        It doesn’t need a weighing machine. We can measure the weight  of a Buffalo  with a measuring  tape. First check the heart girth and length from shoulder  to pin bone.multiply heart girth 2 times with length and divided by 660. We will get the weight  of the buffaloe.

     We can measure the weight  of Buffalo  easily. Unless you are a commercial  livestock  farmer,do not own a livestock scale.This is the most common formula used for cattle  and buffaloes. This formula  is used to under estimate weight  of very young and heavy animals. 

     Buffalo  meat contains  antioxidants that help to prevent oxidative  stress and reduce inflammation. Buffalo milk contains  more calcium  and minerals. It helps to improve heart health, reduces hypertension,low in cholesterol, and has antibacterial bacterial properties.  It reduces the chance of getting  acne. 

      Buffalo milk is rich in calcium. It is good for healthy  bones,healthy  teeth,and heart health.It includes vitamin  B12,vitamin  A,C.A Buffalo live to be about 20 years of age. Buffaloes  breed throughout the year,conceiving at 250 to 275 kg body weight,calf for the first time at 3 to 5 years following gestation  period of 305 to 320 years.They produce two calves every 3 years.The dry period  of dairy buffaloes  is between 60 to 150 days.

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