How to avoid lightening strikes,online pass is now mandatory to get out from houses

       A complete lock down has been declared in our state. Because covid-19 is increasing day by day. In this case it is necessary to take a lot of precautions. Prevention is better than cure. From now onwards we have to stay at home for a few days.obey the rules. Today I would like to share with you some things to keep in mind while at home.

       There is a possibility of heavy rains with lightning and strong winds  in our state till may 11. It is important that we take precautions in keeping with the warnings issued by KSEB. 

       If there are any signs of rain or thunder , firstly move  to a safe building. Beware of lightning when it is not raining. Do not stand on the yard or terrace when there is lightning. Disconnect all household appliances. Close windows and doors. Do not sit or touch metal objects. Do not sit near the electrical appliances.

     Avoid telephones during rain and lightning. Do not touch the water during thunderstorms and lightning. Did not bath during the time of thunderstorms

              Do not touch the wall or floor during thunderstorms. Do not stand near trees or on the ground during thunderstorms. It is dangerous to stand under the trees outside the house at this time. 

        If you are inside a vehicle during thunderstorm, park the vehicle in the open place and sit, do not touch the side. Do not fly the kite during thunderstorms. If you are out in the open place during thunderstorms , keep your legs crossed and your head between your knees.

       Place your hands over your ears to minimize hearing loss from the loud clap of thunder. Touching the ground be the balls of your feet.

        It is a good idea to place lightning conductors on top of buildings to prevent the lightning. A charge protector can be attached for the safety of electrical equipment.

        Lightning strikes  can cause a lot of physical distress like burns,loss of hearing and vision,heart attack. Lightning strikers need first aid. Within 30 seconds of  lightning ,provide first aid. It could save their life.Do not keep pets outdoors during lightning hours. Don’t go out and play these days from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.

       Our state government has banned home visits to collect monthly and Chit installments from Financial Institutions. We can only go out for other things with the official Pass. For those who are in services, just show the tag associated with it.others need an online pass.

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