How can we increase hemoglobin naturally 

       Today I want to share with you a natural remedy that increases the amount of blood in our body. When we check our blood, we often find that our haemoglobin level is low. Some people  are more likely to become anemic after a low hemoglobin level in their blood. It is often due to changes in our lifestyle.


If we change our lifestyle and our diet can only make us normal. We are sharing with you about the things that are needed to increase the level of hemoglobin in our blood.

                Let’s see if our hemoglobin levels will return to normal if we include anything in our diet.  First of all it is a juice that helps to normalize the level of haemoglobin in our blood. This juice contains mainly beetroot and carrot.  You can also add lemon juice for taste. If we drink this juice regularly, our body will get a plenty of iron and it also helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in our body. This juice contains a lot of vitamins.Similarly in order to increase the level of haemoglobin in our blood,  we need to include some foods in our diet.

         Let us see how this juice is prepared. When we make this juice with a small piece of beetroot and a small piece of carrot with some water. Let’s mix it with a little lemon juice for the taste and instead if we have a green apple we can take it. Drink this juice as a continuous for 3 weeks. If you drink beetroot carrot juice one day, you should drink dates milk the next day. 

            we can add dates syrup to boiled milk and drink it. If we do not get syrup  of dates, we can take three dates, after removing seeds we can make the juice and add in the milk. You will get a good results after drinking this juices continuously for 3 weeks. Likewise we do not add sugar to this juice. If you have sugar,  you can drink beetroot with carrot juice twice a week. Similarly people with the sugar can mix 2-3 unripe dates in milk and drink it.

 Most importantly let’s  look at some of the fruit items we should eat.

Pomegranate  – it contains a lot of iron.


Grapes- fresh and dried. After crushing dry grapes the day before and putting them in a glass of water,  drinking that water in the morning will help increase the level of hemoglobin in our blood.


Drumstick leaves

Include plenty of iron rich fruits and vegetables in our diet.



       Today I want to share with you a natural remedy that increases the amount of blood in our body. When we check our blood, we often find that our haemoglobin level is low. Some people  are more likely to become anemic after a low hemoglobin level in their blood. It is often due to changes in our lifestyle.

If we change our lifestyle and our diet can only make us normal. We are sharing with you about the things that are needed to increase the level of hemoglobin in our blood.

                Let’s see if our hemoglobin levels will return to normal if we include anything in our diet.  First of all it is a juice that helps to normalize the level of haemoglobin in our blood. This juice contains mainly beetroot and carrot.  You can also add lemon juice for taste. If we drink this juice regularly, our body will get a plenty of iron and it also helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in our body. This juice contains a lot of vitamins.Similarly in order to increase the level of haemoglobin in our blood,  we need to include some foods in our diet.

         Let us see how this juice is prepared. When we make this juice with a small piece of beetroot and a small piece of carrot with some water. Let’s mix it with a little lemon juice for the taste and instead if we have a green apple we can take it. Drink this juice as a continuous for 3 weeks. If you drink beetroot carrot juice one day, you should drink dates milk the next day. 

            we can add dates syrup to boiled milk and drink it. If we do not get syrup  of dates, we can take three dates, after removing seeds we can make the juice and add in the milk. You will get a good results after drinking this juices continuously for 3 weeks. Likewise we do not add sugar to this juice. If you have sugar,  you can drink beetroot with carrot juice twice a week. Similarly people with the sugar can mix 2-3 unripe dates in milk and drink it.

 Most importantly let’s  look at some of the fruit items we should eat.

Pomegranate  – it contains a lot of iron.


Grapes- fresh and dried. After crushing dry grapes the day before and putting them in a glass of water,  drinking that water in the morning will help increase the level of hemoglobin in our blood.


Drumstick leaves

Include plenty of iron rich fruits and vegetables in our diet.



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