Home remedy for whitening  skin

         Many of us have a lot of acne on our face, scars and wrinkles. Often a lot of medications are used but they do not change. Artificial drugs that do more harm than good.We  want to share with you a remedy to change the blackheads ,whiteheads and wrinkles on our face. It is a facepack. It is very easy for us to do this at home.


Gram flour  – 1 tbsp

Corn flour   – 1 tbsp

Lemon juice   – ½

Honey       – ½ tsp

          Take a clean bowl. Add a tablespoon of Gram flour to it. It is one of the best to remove all the spots ,wrinkles on out face. Add a tablespoon of corn flour to it. Add half a lemon juice. Add half a teaspoon of honey and mix well. 

         Add enough water and mix well. It can be applied on the face after washing the face thoroughly. It can be applied on oily skin and dry skin.It can be act as a good scrubber. It is very useful to clean the face and remove spots, wrinkles and blackheads.

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