Home remedies to get rid of dandruff

                 Dandruff is a common thing. Somehow everyone has dandruff on their head. Dandruff on the head is something that often bothers us. There are many ways we can get rid of this dandruff. The use of artificial hair gel can lead to increased dandruff.  But the truth is that it does not see a complete result. 

       After a few days,  the dandruff will start appearing again. Dandruff on the scalp can cause severe  hair loss and itching. If we pay attention, this dandruff can only be removed. Today I want to share with you some tips to get rid of dandruff completely. 

      First,  find out the cause of dandruff in your head. If you change it, the dandruff will change quickly.

  1. Never wash your head in hot water.
  2.  The hair comb should always be kept clean.
  3. Always keep the scalp clean and tidy. Wash and clean the scalp  thoroughly with thali one day a week. For those who do not have  thali, just clean it with a mild shampoo.
  4. Do not apply too much oil on the scalp. After applying too much oil on the scalp,  it should be washed off.
  5. People with dandruff should wash their hair daily.
  6. Hot oil massage-  it is very effective. Which ever  oil you use, you can add that oil and Neem oil or a small teaspoon of castor oil, a  pinch of ginger juice, 2 cloves of red onion juice and heat. Don’t heat oil directly. Double boiling is better.  Gently massage on the scalp with your fingertips. Leave it for half an hour. After that the hair can be washed with mild shampoo. 
  7. Next we introduce a mask,  that it can be applied to the head. Egg whites and yoghurt are used for this mask. Mix well and apply well on the scalp. Rinse after half an hour.
  8.  Put  2 tsp triphala powder in some porridge  water or yoghurt the night before. Next day add egg white to it. Mix well and apply well on the scalp.
    Rinse after  half an hour.
  9. The head should be washed thoroughly after applying any mask.
  10. Next mask is made with fenugreek and black cumin. The day before yesterday it should be soaked in some water. Take the next morning and grind.Add 1 tsp yogurt and apply it on the scalp.
  11. Grind Krishna Tulasi, aarya veppila and goose berry very well. These can be made into fine paste and applied on our scalp.
  12. All this mask should be applied well into the scalp.
  13.  Rinse hair with daily porridge water. Then rinse the hair with plain water.
  14.  It is best to apply the mask the day after the hot oil massage.
  15. Soak  fenugreek in water the day before and apply it on the scalp the next morning to get rid of dandruff. Putting on a mask the next day will be more effective.

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