Home remedies for knee pain, hip pain and swelling

                Knee pain in the hands and feet is something that happens to everyone regardless of age. Along with that back pain is something that is seen in everyone. No matter what medications are used ,many people do not change the pain. 

             But today I want to introduce you to a home remedy that the changes this pain quickly.This is done with horse gram  that are easily available in our home.

1. Let’s see how to change the pain with the horse gram.


Horse gram   – a handful

Rock salt  – a handful

Cotton cloth 

  • Take a bowl.
  • Add a  handful of horse gram to it.
  • Add a  handful of rock salt to it.
  • Heat it in any old non stick Pan or earthenware pot.
  • Change off the water and heat until well combined to dry. 
  • Stir in the same until the horse gram smell nice and fried.
  • Turn off the gas when it is dry as well.
  • Then take a large cotton cloth.
  • Tie the mixture we had roasted to this cotton cloth like’ a bag filled with medicines'(kizhi).
  • We can hold it in the painful part with a little heat.
  • When it  heats up, it can be heated in any Pan and then held back in our painful area.
  • Do not place it directly on the painful area after heating.
  • It can be placed on the painful area only after it has hit the ground/arm  twice.
  • Or there is a possibility of burnout.
  • It is best to drink the aerva boiled  water with this.

Aerva (cherula)boiled water is best for this knee pain. Let’s see how it goes. 

            Aerva is a common plant in our fields. It has a small white flower. It is one of the 10 medicinal flowers. Pluck the leaves of this plant and wash them thoroughly. Then take the required amount of water in a bowl and bring the leaves to boil. Drinking boiled water with this leaf every day will relieve the pain and swelling in our body.

       Similarly let’s see how to make an oil with horse gram. Applying this oil on your painful area will definitely give you some relief from that pain. Let’s see how to make horse gram oil for pain relief

For that we need horsegram tincture and gingelly oil.

2. Let us first see how to make horse gram tincture.


Horse gram –  60 gram

Water   – 4 glass

  • Wash and clean the horse gram thoroughly. 
  • Take  4 glasses of water into a bowl
  • Add the washed horse gram to this water and bring to boil thoroughly.
  • Boil it until it becomes 2 glass of water.
  • The tincture  is ready
  • Allow the tincture to cool.

3.Now let’s see how to make the oil with gingelly oil.


Gingelly  oil – 5tbsp

Tincture   – 1 glass

  • Take an old bowl
  • Add 5 tablespoon of gingelly oil to it.
  • Add a  glass of the prepared tinture to it
  • Mix it well
  • Put it on gas and boil it well
  • Put on full flame and boil for 5 minutes. 
  • Stir well.
  • When the water bursts it should be placed on the flame Sim.
  • We can turn off the gas when the froth came. 
  • Oil is ready
  • Once the oil has cooled ,transfer it to a bowl.
  • This oil can be applied on the painful area
  • It is best  to apply this oil and keep warm.
  • After taking hot water in any glass bottle, we can warm up this painful parts. The bottle can be heated only after it is tightly closed.

Using these remedies will change your knee pain ,swelling and hip pain.So please try this remedies and share this information to others.

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