Gram suraksha insurance scheme- low premium, high profit


      Savings are very important  in our life. It allows you to enjoy greater security  in your life. Savings provides you an opportunity  to enjoy  your life. It protects  you in the event of a financial  emergency.  And it helps to limit the debt burden. It expands your options for decisions. It removes financial  stress and anxiety. It gives more financial stability, security. Savings benefits  you in your future. It secures a family from financial  difficulties. 

     If you have any emergency  situation  you need to save money. Emergencies  are unexpected  things in our life. We can prepare for retirement by saving  money. Savings and investments  are connected.These savings control our future. There is a lot of investment from the government itself.

Many of us do not know much about these Investments. That is why we lost a lot of benefits.

     Today we can see about the gram suraksha scheme. It is a rural postal life insurance  plan. It has low premiums and high returns. It offers protection  for a complete lifetime. Age limit for this plan is 19 years to 55 years.  The total amount payable on the death or the sum assured has certain  limitations.  Minimum sum assured is Rs 10,000 and maximum sum assured is Rs 10 lakhs.

      You can pay a premium on a regular basis. You can pay yearly, half yearly, monthly,etc. The people who live in rural  areas can apply for this scheme.It has attractive  bonuses. Medical examinations are mandatory.  If a medical exam is not conducted, the maximum  sum assured is Rs 25,000. You can nominate an individual who will receive death  benefits. The death benefit  is equal  to sum assured plus accrued bonus is paid to the nominee. If the life assured survives the policy term,they will receive the sum assured as maturity  benefit. 

        Several schemes promise great returns but it has risk. Grama suraksha scheme offered by India post. It is good insurance for those who are planning to save for retirement. It assures an amount with bonus either after reaching the age of 80 years,or to their death. It also has a loan facility. We will take out a loan after 4 years of the policy purchase. We can stop after 3 years,but they won’t get any benefits.  You will get a bonus by India post. They will get Rs 65 for Rs 1000 bonus per year. They will get a 30 days grace period.  

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